Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Pizza Sandwich

Jacob just came to me complaining of hunger.

Me: Do you want a peanut butter sandwich or a meat sandwich?

Jacob: A peanut butter and JAM sandwich

Me just realizing we have leftover pizza: Do you want a peanut butter JAM sandwich or a piece of pizza?

Jacob: A peanut butter jam PIZZA sandwich

Me: Peanut butter and pizza wouldn't be very good together

Jacob: A Pizza Sandwich

Me: No

Jacob: You just take two pieces of bread and put a pizza in between

Me: I'm not making it

Jacob: I will

He went and got the bread, and the pizza and made it himself--and ate most of it.


Gail said...

Funny boy! Just so he eats, huh?

Julie said...

Yes how independent Jacob was!