Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This morning Rob went downstairs, and Caleb had already turned on a show. The kids have been anxiously waiting for the 3rd Ghostbuster movie, which is actually going to be made. Every day Jacob asks for me to turn it on.

Rob: What are you watching?

Caleb: Ghostbusters 3

Rob: That's not out yet. Let me see.
(he checked the show they were watching on Netflix.)

Rob: That's Stripes. It's rated R.

Caleb: But dad it has Peter Vankman in it. That's how we know it's Ghostbusters.

Rob: You do know that Peter Vankman is a character in the movie played by Bill Murray. He's in lots of movies.

Caleb: No this is Ghostbusters 3.


Unknown said...

lol. Greg got a kick out of this :)

Rob said...

He also told me, "But Dad, I like Peter Venkman."