Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break!

This week is Spring Break--and I have been worried about keeping the kids happy. I've also looked at it as a trail run for the upcoming summer. We need lots of activities fast, and a clean house to keep us all happy. So far I don't know if that's going to happen.

Our week started off with a bang on Saturday with some rough weather that moved through the area. We are all fine, but we went to visit the kids' school, and their playground is covered in downed trees, and a power line or two. If school wasn't already out, I'm sure our kids would have missed school yesterday.

As it was Beth had a skate party to go, and so I took the boys to the roller rink for the first time ever. Of course it brought back memories of middle school, and the few times I went roller skating in college to pull on the heavy skates. I put on my skates so I could take the boys out on the rink, but neither of them ventured up to that. Instead they played games in the arcade. Caleb's really good at skee ball. And cashed in tickets to get prizes. Always a rip off.

Also Caleb colored Jacob's hair with magic markers yesterday, so Jacob was sporting punk rocker red and green striped hair. It washed out last night. I'm grateful for that since Jacob has his well visit today, and I don't want to give a bad impression to the pediatrician.

Beth's already complaining of boredom. Every suggestion is a no. We even went to the library to her her favorite books to read, and she won't be bothered to pick them up.

So far today we've been on a long walk (2 miles--Jacob did really well, only had to be carried the last half block home). And we've dyed the Easter eggs. They've rescued a caterpillar and managed to make a big mess downstairs. The boys are having fun together though.

Have a great Easter!

1 comment:

Gail said...

Wish we lived closer so the kids could come over some.With yall coming on the 28th I know that is too much traveling for you to do it another weekend, but I'm up for it if yall are.