Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Am Slowly Going Crazy

I am sharing this video because I feel as though others should truly understand what I am going through. Watch it. Please.

Unfortunately, I have had to watch this clip about ten times (and that is not an exaggeration) in the last two days. It tickles Rob's funny bone. I mean really tickles it. He will come up and sing to me the clips while I'm downstairs.

When I told him that it just wasn't that funny to me, he insisted that it was because I hadn't truly watched the facial expressions the first seven times he made me watch it. No he is not happy that I simply hear it each time he plays it again, I actually have to watch it.

I told him that the reason it spoke to him so strongly is because of his roles at Marvel's. There is a tape of him that would fit in perfectly with this clip. The simple truth is that Rob could do this. He could have an alternate life as a sketch person. If I had that clip I'd post it online. I think Greg has a tape of it somewhere. Otherwise it is lost to posterity.

I hope you all enjoy or at least not go crazy!


Rob said...

I'm over it now. Not that funny now. You were right =)

Must have been something I ate.

Mim said...

You're just embarrassed to admit that you really do like it.

Rob is standing behind me with a silly grin on his face, because he knows that he really likes it and he is trying to save face.


Gail said...

Bless your heart Mim. I'm glad he's living at your house now and not mine or I'd have to watch this over and over.It does remind me of Marvel's. Rob needs to listen to his "inner self" and write for all those silly SNL shows and HULU stuff.He'd be good.

I did have to smile a few was just a bit long though.

Unknown said...

"Turkey Prom, the Turkey Prom" is replaying in my head over and over. So absurd it's funny and I must say that the pink dress is fantastic! hahahaha

We have some great clips of Rob!. You are right, he is great at sketch comedy. How fortunate we are to have witnessed it first hand!! :D

P.S. Greg is going to LOVE this! Soul brothers separated at birth they are.