Sunday, January 24, 2010


So it's officially over. Caleb had his birthday party and we are heading into smooth sailing. No more parties, life shouldn't be crazy anymore--but wait! Crap I forgot we are moving in a week. Oops. That's a lot of work in a short amount of time. But it should be all good. I'm glad that we are moving, it's a great reason to purge. (Or get rid of the junk that I don't want in my house.) I'm looking at this as positively as possible, and I'm getting a game plan together as we speak.

Caleb had a great birthday party and is currently growing lizards and dinosaurs in the kitchen. We had a lot of fun, with boys running wild during the party. They played outside for half an hour and hazarded some comments from the neighbors. We blew things up and exploded things and I even heard that Rob's magic show was hot dinner conversation. Great fun!

I must say Caleb is dreading tomorrow since his kindergarten physical is scheduled (read shots) and he's quite upset. It's important for everyone to know that we might have a wizard in the family. Caleb has a scar on his forehead and is absolutely CONVINCED that it means that he is just like Harry Potter and will be able to do magic soon. Very soon. Not magic tricks, but real magic.

Jacob! What a week for Jacob. He is pretty much potty trained. Two days with no accidents until dinner time this week. I can take him on long errands and he does great. I'm super proud. Now we just need to break the paci habit, but that will come with time, and it's only at night. Today he came up and told me three long sentences right in a row. Eight or nine words a piece. It made me so happy. He really has come far. At church today he practiced writing his name for about five minutes. Not quite legible yet, but he is showing interest.

Beth is great, and staying up late to read the Wimpy Kid books. She read sixty pages tonight. So proud. I'm glad that she loves to read, even if it mainly seems to be only at night. She's doing a science project on the Water Cycle with Rob too. So that's great news as well.

That's really all of the family news--on a side note prayers for my mom would be appreciated. She's in the hospital with Pulmonary Embolism, which means she has clots in her lungs. Things are looking like she'll be there for a few more days. Take care everyone!


Unknown said...

Oh Mim, That sounds like such a fun birthday party! I hate we had to miss it. I am sure the magic tricks were awesome :).

Where are you guys moving?! Staying in the ward? Let me know if you need help. I can pack with the best of them or watch kids. Maybe I should move so I can purge some junk, lol.

Glad all of your kids are doing so well and we'll pray for your Mom!

Cecily said...

Let me know when the magic starts. It sounds cool! :)

Julie said...

Glad the kids are doing so well love to read your blog.

Suz said...

Where are you moving Mirs?

holly said...

so glad everyone is doing well! gracie loves the wimpy kid books too! she is now diving into the first harry potter.....don't know how i feel about that!

hope your mom is ok! thinking of you guys!

Rob said...

We're moving down the street. Seriously, you could walk there from where we live now. So, no, it's not a very exciting move. But we will have more room and a nicer place =)