Sunday, March 2, 2008

Random Sunday Thoughts

This weekend Gail and Eldon came for a visit with Chloe. It was a lot of fun and the kids room was a huge mess. I almost took a picture, but that involved getting the camera--so it didn't happen today.

Church was actually manageable today. Jacob and Caleb both did really well, and they didn't even hang out with the grandparents during Sacrament meeting. Beth did well too. She is getting so much older every day, pretty soon she'll be on her way to college! --at least it seems that way.

Rob and I took the kids and Chloe to McDonald's yesterday and he said--you want four, well this is a test. (I think he was trying to convince me it would be too hard.) Surprise on him the kids behaved the best they ever have. He decided that they were conspiring against us. We'll see.

Also today Caleb drew a picture of the family on a Magnadoodle. He did quite well with Heads eyes, a mouth, hands and feet on the people. I was so proud to see all the little details. He really wants to go to school, but I'm glad he'll be home with me for a few more years.

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