Friday, November 7, 2008

On Autumn

So I'm going to go off topic, and just write for a little bit. Autumn has a way of doing that to me. It is my favorite time of year. There is something about the beauty that just makes my heart ache (in a good way) as I drive down the streets or walk around. I think Autumn has always been one of my very favorite seasons, but honestly I didn't get the sheer beauty and wonder of it until I moved to North Carolina. The leaves just changed this weekend, almost overnight.

Gosh the trees are just so beautiful. This year is no exception the golds, and yellows are the brightest I've seen. And of course you have the pinks, the oranges, the orange pinks, the deep dark reds and some of the prettiest shades of brown you've ever seen. (And I'm a big fan of the color brown.) But my favorite trees are the ones that look as though they have caught on fire. They start out yellow at the bottom and move into an orange pink speckle all the way up to the top. Those trees take my breath away, and seriously I almost wreck every year as I pay more attention to the trees, then to my driving.

The first year we moved here I was teaching in this horrible school, and I hated it. And outside of my window was this big old tree (I want to say oak, but I've got no idea really.) And in the fall the leaves turned this deep reddish brown color. It was beautiful it was in this little courtyard area, and so the wind really didn't get to it, because it kept its leaves until Christmas vacation (when I quit). That tree was a gift to me, because in the moments when I was so overwhelmed by the horribleness around me, I could look out and see peace. It brought me strength through one of the most difficult times (up to that point) in my life.

So every fall I sit back and give thanks, because I know I'm not alone in this world. Heavenly Father is there, watching out for me, and painting the trees so that I can remember the brilliant colors through my winters. 

Enough waxing philosophical. I promised pictures, and yet I've not posted any. I keep meaning to take my camera out and getting a few of the leaves, but I know I won't do them justice. Rob does have pictures up, but its on a new site. Reason being we are dropping our Mac something account and switching to SmugMug, which is more economical in these troubling financial times, yada, yada, yada. I've included the link up there. And they are Rob pictures, which always turn out better than mine. I'm so blessed to have such a good photographer for a husband. Also really go check out the site. It's got Beth's ballet pictures, Caleb's sports pictures, our beach trip, our last trip to Utah, and Halloween. Notice Beth's haircut, her snaggletooth grin, and other things she keeps wanting to tell people about. Also Rob didn't take the pictures of his recent hike on the AT, but there up, and the trail was gorgeous.

I'll post updates again on Sunday--back to my regularly scheduled day.

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