Sunday, November 23, 2008


So Beth has been losing teeth left and right lately. Since this picture was taken she lost another one on the bottom. She is very proud of her missing teeth, and smiles at people so that they will notice and comment.

She had a recent experience with the tooth fairy. She woke up fairly early one morning after losing her tooth, only to discover her tooth was still there! The tooth fairy had not made it. She came in and lay sobbing on my bed. The tooth fairy was missing! 

Rob came in after his shower, and mentioned that he had heard something in Beth's room. She checked under her pillow to find $5.00. (Unbelievable I know, especially with my other post) and a note. Beth, immediately noticed that the note was on our paper cut out with our scissors. Sounds a little suspicious to a seven year old. The note explained that the tooth fairy was caught in a snow storm in Nebraska, and that she'd leave a more detailed explanation the next night.

Well the note came, and it was a heart wrenching tale of frozen wings, and a helpful little old woman. The tooth fairy confessed that she had borrowed the scissors since she was running so late, but that she wouldn't in the future. Beth was convinced that the tooth fairy had remained true to her. The note at the top is the letter. Didn't want all that fancy work to be wasted without someone else appreciating it. 

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