Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Peaceful Week Off!

This week has been a fun one!  We had both Beth and Rob home. The kids had fun, when they weren't too crazy. And I mean crazy. I neglected to mention in last week's post that Caleb was jumping on boxes (crazy I know) and he bit through his lip. Yup through it. Like a hole on both sides of it--you could stick something in it and it come out of his mouth type of hole. Only not really because it wasn't a huge hole. Just the size of the tooth that he bit through it with. Did I manage to gross anyone out? Turns out he didn't need stitches since it wasn't a flappy hole, and he ended up with a big fat lip. The cut is almost gone. Whew! We were saved from getting him his second set of stitches.

We went to Jumpin' Beans on Friday, because we'd promised the kids we would if they were good. They were mostly good. Here is a video--fun stuff. The video is courtesy of his Flip camera, and the song will stick in your head forever. Can't say I didn't warn you. It's by They Might Be Giants and it's the theme song for Mickey Mouse Club House.

PS Rob doesn't like the quality of this video and urges you check it out here.

Beth has cooked a lot this week--thanks to her new cookbook. She's going to start cooking Sunday dinners with me every week. We are also going to start daily and weekly chores for the kids. Hopefully this will work. I'll keep you updated.

I set my goals and I'm working on getting a schedule going. Schedules help me to be a happier person. Rob, not so much. He has committed to mopping every night! Go Rob! It's happened the last three nights--I don't know what will happen once he goes back to work though.

Fish update: we got 'em, and they are still alive. But Rob is concerned because they are not eating. He is also checking the water each night. I think the secret chemist in him is coming out. Only it is not so secret because about once a month he tells me how much he loved his chemistry classes. Why didn't he make it a career? I don't know, but I think (and hope) he's happier with the choices that he made and the life he has.

Well that's about it. I've started a new novel. Got to keep moving forward--right. I'm waiting for feedback on my novel so that I can start rewriting in the next week or two. I need a title. Sounds silly I've written the whole book and I don't have a good title. 

1 comment:

Rich said...

hey Mim!

Let me know if you need/want another eye on the novel. It'd be a fun deal to proof it.