Monday, February 9, 2009

Hiking at Umstead Park

I feel bad because all I ever post are photos and videos, with very little story to go along with them. Mim feels bad because she only posts stories with no photos or video. I think we are a good team.

A quick disclaimer: the video is pretty long for those of you who are not family. Even very close friends may find 11 minutes of hiking in the woods a little boring, no matter how cute our kids are (and by golly, aren't they cute?!)

So here's a little backstory: we had some beautiful weather this weekend, really warm for early February. I felt like we had better do something outside while we could. So we took the kids hiking at Umstead Park, a great place really close to our house that has miles and miles of hiking trails. The kids loved it. They especially liked drinking water from my Camelback water bladder (which I took solely for the entertainment of the kids). They also loved cooking an MRE meal on the pavement during our picnic. We added some salt water from a packet to another bag with our food in it. The bag started to sizzle, smoke and steam, and 12 minutes later we had warm chili that Jacob couldn't get enough of.

Caleb kept us entertained the whole time with his usual barrage of witty comments, but almost every time I turned on the camera, he got really quiet.

Beth also shot some of the video. I've learned from watching the footage that she likes to add her own commentary while she videos. I think I'm going to start letting her use the camera more often. I really enjoy her running narration.

Click on the link below the video that says "Hiking at Umstead Park" if you want to watch the video in HD.

Hiking at Umstead Park from Robert Caldwell on Vimeo.


Gail said...

I loved it and wouldn't have known it was low res....unless you told me. It was great and made me wanna go hike in the woods.Maybe Chris and I will make another field trip to South Mt.
Love, Mom

Rob said...

You can always come here to go hiking. Then you can take Caleb as a field guide.

Anonymous said...

This video just made my day. Mirs and Rob, I love your cute family. This little excursion reminded me so many years ago of us trying to hunt down those hot pots. Oh, fond memories! I miss and love you both!!

Mim said...

Rob has been on a hot pot memory trip as well. He just discovered that most people swam nude at the hot pots and I think he is wondering what would have happened if we found them . . .Hmmm.

He had a suit, and I think Troy did as well. But I'm betting we would have left--since we had certain people with us.