Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Potty Training Wars

When I hear that title, usually I think of the mom who desperately wants to potty train her child, but the child is resisting as hard as he can.

Well in my case it is the opposite. Jacob wants to be potty trained. He goes on the potty a couple of times each day. He is convinced that he is a big boy, but he's not consistently dry. I don't know that he is ready, since he seems to go every ten minutes.

Today's casualty: The bathroom floor --Jacob had realized that he had begun (not finished) having a bm. 
So he trots himself into the bathroom. 
Moves the stool over.
Removes partially full diaper
Sits down and finishes his bm.

Then he tries to wipe himself

Then he comes and gets me when he realizes he just doesn't have those mad skillz yet.

What a mess I found! So I don't train until my children are doing bms consistently on the potty. This is backwards from what most experts say to do, but honestly it has worked for me. No children hiding in the corner doing their business. No messy underwear--which really is the worst. And the other stuff comes easy after that.

Jacob is convinced he is ready, and I should probably jump on his wagon and join him in his quest for independence. But oh the work, the panic, the short tether of the first months---I just don't want to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jacob is ready so get on the band wagon with him. Trust me.