This is really going to be more of a random thoughts post than an actual update.
This week we had the opportunity to go to Xander's baptism, a boy in Beth's primary class. It was a good experience. Caleb really looks up to Xander and was super excited to be there. While we were there I thought back to my first calling, which was teaching Primary to the CTR 8s. What a class that was. They divided the class up and I had five rambunctious boys and my sister Mary. The boys tried to climb out of the window, jumped from chair to chair and basically did things I hadn't ever imagined--and my primary class growing up wasn't known for being the good one. The only lesson I know that they paid attention to was the one where I told them about the lepers and then described what leprosy was. But the one thing that stood out was that I attended each of their baptisms and gave them a journal. I think back, and it was really neat to see each of those boys--who were good kids--make the commitment to be baptized.
A different tangent -- the kids are doing better on the reverence factor. They are slowly getting better behaved. Sundays are becoming much more peaceful. As we got ready for church today we had something of a bubble that burst right before we went to church. Beth got down the nail polish and painted her nails. She also painted Jacob's a dark blue color. And Caleb painted his, and knocked over a bottle of nail polish--so when we were supposed to be leaving for church, I was cleaning the floor with nail polish remover. And cleaning the boys nails as well. Caleb was quite upset when he realized that boys don't wear nail polish--especially to church. He wouldn't go because trace amounts were left on his skin. We fixed that problem by telling him to put his hands in his pockets. Jacob was mad, and stayed mad until he got to nursery class and fell asleep.
Caleb's current way of enhancing a story is to wiggle his fingers at you. For example This is super scary (accompanied by finger wiggle) or The magic (finger wiggle) worked to save them. It is fun to watch.
Jacob has made leaps and bounds with his speech. The second day of speech therapy really is helping. He has said Jacob, and is now inserting random (and correct) words throughout the day. He loves to raise his hand and shout me! me! when I ask if anyone wants to do something.
Beth is busy, busy with school and friends. This week was tough, because of the time change. Each day got a little bit worse, and Friday was awful! She was up at 7:15, but just couldn't get dressed. She wasn't dressed and hadn't eaten at 8:15--the bus comes at 8:20. Luckily the bus was two minutes late, but it was a morning!
Today is my actual real live birthday. I can't say that 31 is a big deal for me. Feels a lot like last year. Same old stuff.
My 100 books update
26. Life of a Teenage Siren (okay)
27. Romance Hollywood Style (or something similar)
28. Sunshine--Robin McKinley's vampire book (I got this because I've been a huge fan of Robin McKinley since I was 12. My dad introduced her to me with Beauty and Sherwood Forest, and then Deerskin. I've read nearly everything she's written and hadn't checked up on her new releases lately--I didn't realize it was a vampire book until I had it and was already into the book. I would have read it anyway because I trust her as an author. I know she's not going to throw a lot of unnecessary vampire sex in there. (There is one surprising scene in the middle of the book that's a little graphic, but nothing else at all). And I have to say I liked the book, but it wasn't quite the same style. Still a good read and I'm glad I read her again. She brought back to the front what I love about reading. I love her style of story telling.)
29. Chalice--Robin McKinley (A really, really good fantasy book awesome!)
I must say I abandoned several books during the week. If there isn't something by the first fifty pages that doesn't draw me in, I just don't make myself keep reading. Some books the style grates on me or the voice and I just don't make myself finish. I'm not in school anymore so I don't feel compelled to do so. However out of respect for authors I won't be sharing those titles, since you may enjoy them, and I don't want to prejudice anyone. If I list an author's name it means you should read the book--at least in my humble opinion. Any book I finish is a good read, but the excellent ones I will list a name.
This week I'll be reading three writing books that Rob got me for my birthday.
Now do any of you have any advice on what I can do to dress professionally? Seriously, links, comments, photos, places to buy professional (and comfortable) clothes would be great. I need a makeover for a conference I'm going to. I haven't worked outside of the home in eight years. I am out of the loop. So what do I need to get? It will be summer, and in Utah. I need five outfits for less than $200.00. Help!