Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Am Eye of the Tiger

Caleb has taken on a new secret identity. He forgets it from time to time, but he asks me what his real name is, and I'm able to remind him.

Being the eye of the tiger means that Caleb has awesome moves. In a conversation with Beth he told her, "Don't worry I'll get her with my tiger moves."

In talent shows that are put on by Beth he nows runs around the room growling and snapping as the eye of tiger.

It's a secret identity full of super powers.

Thanks to Rob for introducing our son to the song Eye of the Tiger and allowing his wonderful skillz to surface at such a young age.

1 comment:

Rich said...

hahaha! I think I told Rob that Regan was singing Weezer's "Say it Ain't So" to her preschool teacher.

Yeah, we rock at our house... :)